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Competence Based

  /  End Term 1   /  Grade 4 CRE End Term 1

Grade 4 CRE End Term 1

Instructions: Answer all the questions carefully. You can use complete sentences or short phrases as needed.

Bible Knowledge:

  1. What did Jesus say the greatest commandment was (Matthew 22:37-39)?
  2. In the story of Noah’s Ark, what did God tell Noah to build the Ark out of (Genesis 6:14-16)?
  3. Who were the first two people created by God according to the Bible (Genesis 1:27)?
  4. Write one verse from the Bible that encourages you.
  5. What is the meaning of salvation in the Bible?

Christian Living:

  1. What are some ways you can show kindness to others? (Give 2 examples)
  2. How can you be a good example to your classmates at school?
  3. Why is it important to pray?
  4. What does the Bible say about how we should treat our parents (Exodus 20:12)?
  5. Describe a situation where you made a difficult decision and chose the right thing to do.

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