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Grade 1

  /  Grade 1

GRADE 1 END TERM 1 ASSESSMENT TERM 1 2023CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Name: _________________________________________________School: ________________________________________________Grade: _________________________________________________Gender: Boy _______________ Girl ______________ For official use only CREExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 13-1510-127-90-6 Refer to the teacher’s assessment rubric given in the teacher’s guideline. 1. God has written my name on the

GRADE 1 END TERM ASSESSMENT End TERM 1 2024 ENGLISH SECTION A Grading TASKExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 8-106-74-50-3Listening and speaking    Reading aloud     Name: _________________________________________________ School: ________________________________________________ Grade: _________________________________________________ Gender: Boy _______________ Girl ______________ TASK Listening and Speaking Part One The teacher should greet the learner. The learner then responds. The teacher also tells the

TASK Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation Approaching Expectation Below Expectation   13-15 10-12 7-9 0-6 Environmental         Hygiene and Nutrition         CRE activities           Complete the sentences: a) When the sun is shining, we say it is _________________. (1) Sunny Rainy b) We carry an _______________ when it rains. (2) Umbrella Basin Maria wants to take some water to school for drinking. Help her

GRADE 1END TERM ASSESSMENTTERM 1 2024HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Name:  _________________________________________________ School: ________________________________________________ Grade:  _________________________________________________ Gender:  Boy _______________ Girl ______________ For official use only TASKExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 13-1510-127-90-6 Refer to the teacher’s assessment rubric given in the teacher’s guideline. 1. Habits that are good for our teeth.

GRADE 1END TERM ASSESSMENTTERM 1 2024KISWAHILI SEHEMU YA A Jina: _________________________________________________Shule: ________________________________________________Gredi: _________________________________________________Jinsia: Mvulana __________ Msichana ___________ KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINIVIWANGO VYA KUTHAMINI Kuzidisha MatarajioKufikia matarajioKukaribia matarajioMbali na matarajio27-3021-2611-200-10     ZOEZI LA KWANZA: KUSIKILIZA NA KUZUNGUMZA SEHEMU YA KWANZA • Jitambulishe kwa kusema "Mimi ni mwanafunzi wa

GRADE 1 END TERM ASSESSMENT End TERM 1 2024 Mathematics Grading TASKExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 8-106-74-50-3Listening and speaking    Reading aloud     Name: _________________________________________________ School: ________________________________________________ Grade: _________________________________________________ Gender: Boy _______________ Girl ______________ Write the missing numbers: a. 1, __, 3, 4, __, 6, 7 b. __, 8, 9, 10, __, 12, 13 c. 15, 16,