Grade 1 CRE End Term 1
GRADE 1 END TERM 1 ASSESSMENT TERM 1 2023CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Name: _________________________________________________School: ________________________________________________Grade: _________________________________________________Gender: Boy _______________ Girl ______________ For official use only CREExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 13-1510-127-90-6 Refer to the teacher’s assessment rubric given in the teacher’s guideline. 1. God has written my name on the
Grade 1 English End Term 1
GRADE 1 END TERM ASSESSMENT End TERM 1 2024 ENGLISH SECTION A Grading TASKExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 8-106-74-50-3Listening and speaking Reading aloud Name: _________________________________________________ School: ________________________________________________ Grade: _________________________________________________ Gender: Boy _______________ Girl ______________ TASK Listening and Speaking Part One The teacher should greet the learner. The learner then responds. The teacher also tells the
Grade 1 Environmental Science End Term 1
TASK Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation Approaching Expectation Below Expectation 13-15 10-12 7-9 0-6 Environmental Hygiene and Nutrition CRE activities Complete the sentences: a) When the sun is shining, we say it is _________________. (1) Sunny Rainy b) We carry an _______________ when it rains. (2) Umbrella Basin Maria wants to take some water to school for drinking. Help her
Grade 1 Hygiene and Nutrition End Term 1
GRADE 1END TERM ASSESSMENTTERM 1 2024HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Name: _________________________________________________ School: ________________________________________________ Grade: _________________________________________________ Gender: Boy _______________ Girl ______________ For official use only TASKExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 13-1510-127-90-6 Refer to the teacher’s assessment rubric given in the teacher’s guideline. 1. Habits that are good for our teeth.
Grade 1 Kiswahili End Term 1
GRADE 1END TERM ASSESSMENTTERM 1 2024KISWAHILI SEHEMU YA A Jina: _________________________________________________Shule: ________________________________________________Gredi: _________________________________________________Jinsia: Mvulana __________ Msichana ___________ KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINIVIWANGO VYA KUTHAMINI Kuzidisha MatarajioKufikia matarajioKukaribia matarajioMbali na matarajio27-3021-2611-200-10 ZOEZI LA KWANZA: KUSIKILIZA NA KUZUNGUMZA SEHEMU YA KWANZA • Jitambulishe kwa kusema "Mimi ni mwanafunzi wa
Grade 1 Mathematics End Term 1
GRADE 1 END TERM ASSESSMENT End TERM 1 2024 Mathematics Grading TASKExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationApproaching ExpectationBelow Expectation 8-106-74-50-3Listening and speaking Reading aloud Name: _________________________________________________ School: ________________________________________________ Grade: _________________________________________________ Gender: Boy _______________ Girl ______________ Write the missing numbers: a. 1, __, 3, 4, __, 6, 7 b. __, 8, 9, 10, __, 12, 13 c. 15, 16,